It is an accepted reality that from time to time, we all must visit the doctor or dentist for a check up, Secret Shopping is no different, it helps you identify potential health problems with your business.
A quality Secret Shopper program that is backed up with ongoing staff training, management support, motivation and encouragement is also very likely to give a healthier bottom line.

Secret Shopping of your company has a very healthy ROI.
The average cost to carry out a Secret Shopper evaluation can vary, however, the cost of a Secret Shopper program pales into insignificance when you take into account the cost of a poorly performing team member.
These under performing staff may, unbeknownst to you, be burning multiple prospects every day, many of which may never return, because it is imperative to appreciate, to that potential client the individual representing your business with whom they interacted with, actually was in fact seen to be your business.

ROI is one benefit, but I think more importantly Secret Shopping allows you to effectively open the lines of communication between management and your team, to collaborate a solution to foster their strengths and support the challenges they face to accomplish the ultimate goals.
It also clearly outlines what is expected of your team on a day to day basis, creating no grey areas, promoting staff accountability and company best practice when engaging with clients, also allowing you to recognise and reward staff who are performing at an optimum level, which breeds a culture that inspires better performance.
If you need further information drop us a line